Use these templates to promote the university’s core values. The downloadable templates here will ease the process for you while preserving the distinctive look and feel of the U-M brand. Email Template To edit and send the email: Select the email template, it will open the preview file Take your cursor and click on any part of the email template Hit ⌘ + A (or control + A for Windows) to ‘select all’ of the template Hit ⌘ + C (or control + C for Windows) to ‘copy’ the template Open a new email and hit ⌘ + V (or control + V for Windows) to ‘paste’ the template in the body of the email Edit the text as you see fit and send! Zoom Backgrounds How to add a virtual background to my U-M Zoom meeting. Email Signature Mark Download the image file: Gmail Instructions Outlook Instructions for Mac Outlook for PC Instructions Slide Deck You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides deck: Core values slide deck Culture Journey blank branded slide deck Agenda Templates You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Doc: Culture Journey branded template U-M logo branded template Printable Posters and Flyers The University of Michigan’s Core Values and Clarifying Statements (dark background) The University of Michigan’s Core Values and Clarifying Statements (light background) The University of Michigan’s Core Values with Example Behaviors that Represent the Values (dark background) The University of Michigan’s Core Values with Example Behaviors that Represent the Values (light background) The University of Michigan’s Core Values and All Example Behaviors (dark background) The University of Michigan’s Core Values and all Example Behaviors (light background) The University of Michigan’s Core Values Word Search Swag Place a Culture Journey swag order for your department